Hotfix 2 Released reviews
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Hotfix 2 Released

Hotfix 2 Released

Hotfix 2 Released Dear all, We have just pushed out another hotfix, addressing a number of critical issues persisting after the previous hotfix and improving various aspects of the game. In addition to enhanced stability, most importantly this update seeks to improve multiplayer experience by reducing the chance of connection timeouts and restoring client prediction scheme, improving the precision of multiplayer client/server sync and thus reducing warping and other adverse effects of poor sync. This time around there are no user-configurable parameters for client prediction; instead, the maximum prediction time is capped to 1500 ms to prevent prediction from eating all cpu cycles. However, please be aware that there might be cases when you find your framerate falling in case there's a significant amount of latency and a lot of cars to predict. We are very interested to hear about your experiences so please make sure to give feedback. Also, please be aware that there are still some cases where you might get disconnected during event loading that seem to be connected to high latency. That said, we are working on further improvements. Additionally, this hotfix contains many other improvements based on the feedback we've received and we hope you're going to enjoy. Have fun, and don't forget to let us know what you think! STABILITY Fixed a crash in the server browser. Fixed a crash in the user interface renderer. Game no longer crashes when surface info is improperly configured or missing. ONLINE Creating a server in-game now works properly. Restored client prediction for PC. Maximum prediction time is not user-configurable and is capped to 1500 ms. Essential server info is now displayed in the lobby (click the server message to toggle) Quick Play now correctly prefers servers with lowest latency. Toggling ready/unready is now disabled immediately (a second, to be precise) before event start to prevent glitches. High ping warning threshold is now 1000 ms. Fixed a glitch in the chat that caused text to disappear. Fixed chat server message colors. The proper bubble icon instead of the speaker icon is now used for text chat. Note: latency shown in the lobby is currently as much as 50% higher than it actually is. The in-game latency is more or less correct, so please use that to judge your connection quality. GAMEPLAY Restored shifting logic from the Steam 2018 release, meaning that upshifts occur closer to redline. Restored tire pressures from the Steam 2018 release so that front and back wheels have more or less the same pressure (and thus, different deflection). AI now races more loosely and their raceline mistakes are more natural. As previously, the lower the AI Difficulty level, the more prone the AI is to errors. AI now packs up more tightly. Killerbee AI is now more competitive. VEHICLES Steering wheel is now animated for AI cars as well. Steerin...