Final Fantasy VII Advent Childeren: Rufus Shinra Play Arts KAI figure

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Ean: 0662248813165

Rufus Shinra, a character whose adaption into 3 dimensions has been long awaited, is finally available as a Play Arts KAI figure! Rufus' personality shines through in the sculpting of this quality figu

  • £61.00
  • £108.99
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Rufus Shinra, a character whose adaption into 3 dimensions has been long awaited, is finally available as a Play Arts KAI figure! Rufus' personality shines through in the sculpting of this quality figure, exemplified by his cold smile and expression of disdainful mirth. Rufus' classy and distinctive white suit is made from soft materials to move beautifully and will not lose its clean lines when the figure is posed. This figure comes packaged with the Jenova case that features in Final Fantasy VII Advent Childeren as well as his shotgun weapon and an alternative head swathed in bandages that allows you to recreate his scenes from the beginning of the movie and many more.
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